Fairbanks Carbon Reduction Fund
Reduce carbon emissions and uplift our Fairbanks community
Carbon dioxide emission from fossil fuels is the lead contributor to climate change. Fairbanks Carbon Reduction Fund provides a way to reduce local carbon emissions and support home weatherization in Interior Alaska.
Why reduce carbon emissions?
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas –– when released into our atmosphere, it contributes to global warming and climate change. The primary source of carbon emissions is the burning of fossil fuels for transportation, heating, and electricity.
Burning fossil fuels also pollutes our air and waters. Fairbanks has some of the worst air quality in the nation, and is currently designated as an EPA Non-Attainment Zone. Our poor air quality is associated with health issues such as respiratory illness, developmental disabilities, and premature death.
Energy efficiency is a critical component of any strategy to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution, especially in the Far North. When we require less energy to heat and illuminate our homes, we reduce the amount of carbon emissions and pollution in our community!
We can have a direct, positive impact on the local and global climate crises by reducing our own fossil fuel consumption –– and helping others do the same. Additional work at the state and national level ensures mass change.
Want to learn more? Explore these resources:

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What can I do?
Together, we are making an impact in Fairbanks. Join us!
In addition to the four steps below, we advocate for a Just Transition in Fairbanks, which aims to build collaborative solutions to move us away from an extractive, fossil-fuel economy to a regenerative economy.
Reduce your emissions with home weatherization
Home weatherization includes projects such as improving insulation, upgrading windows and heating sources, and closing leaks. These modest investments can reap long-term rewards: using less fuel to keep homes warm in Interior Alaska winters, improving air quality by reducing carbon emissions and
saving money on heating bills.
Calculate your carbon footprint
→ Carbon Footprint Calculator
→ "How to reduce your carbon footprint" (New York Times)
Donate to help others reduce their emissions
Donate to make home weatherization possible for households that cannot afford these cost-saving steps due to up-front costs. Donations can be based on your carbon footprint ($10/ton suggested), or any amount. Supporting energy efficiency and home weatherization will directly reduce the amount of carbon emitted in our community.

The Fairbanks Carbon Reduction Fund invites you to reduce your carbon emissions and make home weatherization accessible throughout our community.
We accept donations on behalf of Interior Weatherization's Weatherization Assistance Program, which provides low- and moderate-income households with energy-efficiency upgrades.
These households are often most impacted by poor air quality, and simultaneously face barriers to making weatherization upgrades that offer quality-of-life improvements, environmental benefits, and long-term cost savings.
The greater Fairbanks community will in turn benefit from reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improved air quality, local employment through the weatherization program, and the multiplier effect of increased household budgets.
How much should I donate?
You can use the carbon footprint calculator to determine a suggested dollar amount for each ton of carbon you or your household emits annually. There are many different carbon markets, with different prices. We suggest $10 per ton of carbon.
Alternatively, consider donating a percentage of your travel budget: airplane travel produces approximately 1/4 ton of carbon per passenger per hour.
Any donation amount is welcome and greatly appreciated! Donations also make thoughtful birthday or holiday gifts for friends and family.
This donation addresses a root cause of emissions by weatherizing local homes instead of purchasing carbon offsets.

About Us
The Fairbanks Carbon Reduction Fund is a partnership between the Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition and Interior Weatherization.
The Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition is comprised of groups and individuals in Fairbanks who seek to elevate climate solutions and foster a fair, equitable, and just transition to sustainable communities — locally, regionally and globally. Through our fiscal sponsor, Native Movement, we accept and direct donations to the Fairbanks Carbon Reduction Fund to Interior Weatherization.
Interior Weatherization has been weatherizing homes in Fairbanks and the Interior of Alaska since 1985. IW reduces home heating costs through tighter windows, added insulation, sealing gaps, and other improvements. They weatherize approximately 500 homes each year, and have worked on over 5,000 homes.
Curious about what FCAC's Renewable Energy Working Group is doing?
Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition
Native Movement
Interior Weatherization
Questions? Comments? Want to get involved?
We'd love to hear from you. Please email us at
eleanor@fbxclimateaction.org or fill out the form below.
Have a question? Contact us at eleanor@fbxclimateaction.org!
Where does my money go?
Your donation goes directly to Interior Weatherization to support their Weatherization Assistance Program. FCAC does not charge overhead costs, and Native Movement gets a very small percentage to support their administrative management making this possible. This site is managed primarily by FCAC volunteers.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes. Our fiscal sponsor, Native Movement, is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Any donations made are tax-deductible as a charitable donation.
What else can I do?
There are so many different ways to support a transition away from fossil fuels, toward a healthier economy and environment. While individual action is important and necessary, we also work to achieve systemic change! That's why Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition and Native Movement are taking climate action through a working group structure and supporting Indigenous sovereignty at federal, state, and local levels.
Thank you to our donors! Your support has helped Fairbanks households this year to reduce carbon emissions in our community.
Together, we've donated $15,910 to weatherize homes and reduce carbon emissions in our Fairbanks & Interior Alaska community!
Thank you, individual donors!
Martha Raynolds
Patty Eagan
Mary Burtness
Philip Martin
Cathy Curby
Jim Schwarber
Allegory Smith
Hajo Eicken
Eric Troyer
Stephan Milkowski
Jamie Hansen
D. Garland
Liz Dobbins
Sarah Clement
Thank you, business donors!
Adrienne Canino
Molly Rettig
Laurel Devaney
Heather MacFarlane
Michelle Wilber
Martha Raynolds
Tom Marsik
Heather MacFarlane
Jenna Hamm
Kristopher Brown
Rebecca Siegel
Eric Troyer
Mary Burtness
Robina Moyer
Thank you for considering a donation to FBX CRF​
ABR, Inc.
Camp Denali